Karen Wilmot

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Coping with Breast Pain in Pregnancy

Breast pain is very common at the beginning and end of pregnancy. Find out why this happens and how to relieve breast pain during pregnancy.

Importance of a Support System

From the moment you see that little blue line you are pregnant and delighted (maybe a little frightened, but it’s all relative) Your search begins

First Trimester To Do List

First Trimester To Do List Congratulations! You are pregnant, there feels like there is so much to do but where does one start? We have

Prenatal Yoga

Don’t be surprised if you spend most of your first trimester trying to keep your eyes open, especially if you work full time. Before you’ve

Early Pregnancy Symptoms

It’s crazy to think that you can be pregnant for days, even weeks before realising it. Many of the symptoms of early pregnancy mimic the

Sleeping Positions during pregnancy

It’s not unusual to  experience erratic sleeping patterns during pregnancy. You will find yourself feeling very tired during the first trimester and you may even

What vitamins to take during pregnancy

Getting the right nutrients is important at every stage of life, but it’s especially critical during pregnancy, as you’ll need to nourish both yourself and

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